17 | Facebook Group Tools: Top Contributor

The original blog post below was published on Sept 22, 2022.


If you're running a Facebook group, you know how important it is to keep your members engaged. After all, the more engagement your group gets, the more likely it is to show up in users' feeds. And, if you want to keep your top contributors engaged, you can set up some awesome rewards to recognize their hard work! That's right – Facebook calculates your top contributors based on engagement from the last 28 days, so it's crucial to keep those active members feeling appreciated.

Let's dive into how you can set up some fantastic rewards to keep your top contributors coming back for more!


  1. Once in your Facebook group, click "INSIGHTS"
  2. Select "MEMBERSHIP"

Top Contributor on Facebook | www.sunkissedva.com

    Notice the date and range your Top Contributors are calculated for. Top Contributor results typically lag by one or two days. You can download results by selecting the "DOWNLOAD" button.

    Top Contributor Facebook | Sun Kissed Virtual Assistant

    The download button allows you to extract data capturing seven days, 28 days, 60 days, or a custom range. Check out this feature and review the additional data sheets saved in this report.


    Facebook puts more weight when calculating Top Contributors on posts and comments vs. likes. When you pull up your list, you will notice that someone with fewer likes may outrank someone with more likes. Encourage your members to submit posts to the group wearing your product. When creating content for your group, include a call to action on every post to generate those comments. Below are a few examples:

    👉 Comment below and tell me what you think.
    ⬇️ Drop your answer in the comments.
    ❓ Add your guess to the comments below.

    Now, if you're having trouble getting your group members to post, don't worry, it's normal for new groups or new members. But you can change that! Lead by example and be super active in the group. Show them what kind of behavior you hope they'll follow and watch the group start to evolve right before your eyes!


    Reward those who are involved in boosting group engagement. by recognizing them. Pick a winner or winner(s) monthly. Set your calendar reminder or add it to your planner to check on your Top Contributor statistics on the 30th of every month. Schedule the post to announce the winner(s) on the 1st of every month.

    If you want to up the ante and keep your audience engaged, post an update either on the 10th and 20th of every month or on the 15th. You can do this one of many ways:

    Top Contributor Facebook | Sun Kissed Virtual AssistantTop Contributor Facebook | Sun Kissed Virtual AssistantTop Contributor Facebook | Sun Kissed Virtual Assistant

    Don't forget that the Top Contributor results pull from the last 28 days. This means comments that counted for someone the previous month will eventually drop off their score, resulting in a massive decrease in their rankings. But, of course, the inverse is also true if someone becomes more active. This makes the monthly Top Contributor challenge even more riveting.

    Here are two free engagement graphics to get your program going.


    There are many different ways to build and run your program. You may switch it up monthly until you find a style that fits you and keeps your members' attention. 

    • Reward only the #1 Top Contributor ($10-20 Store Credit)
    • Reward the Top 3 ($20, $10, $5, respectfully)
    • Enter all into a drawing giving additional entries to the Top 5. Pick a name on a site like www.wheelofnames.com

      Queen B provides Top Contributor graphics in her Engagement collections. Pull the matching graphic from your Content Calendar plan to schedule on the respective day.

      SO WHAT

      Facebook groups help us reach current and potential customers while growing the like, know and trust factor. Therefore, we want to produce content that resonates with our target market to increase their likelihood of engaging. Consequently, it is essential to value your Top Contributors like you do your Top Spenders—both of which are vital to the longevity and sustainment of your business.


      Podcast Episode: "17 | Facebook Group Tools: Top Contributor"

      This blog post was updated and converted into a Podcast episode on Jan 18, 2024.


      In today's digital age, community engagement has become an invaluable asset for online businesses, especially for those in the creative t-shirt industry. A strong, vibrant community not only supports your entrepreneurial journey but also contributes to the collective success of every member. In my latest podcast episode, I delve into the intricacies of utilizing Facebook's 'top contributors' feature to harness the full potential of your community and elevate your t-shirt business to unprecedented heights.

      The Importance of Top Contributors

      I begin by emphasizing the significance of engagement within Facebook groups. As a small business owner, encouraging your community to interact with your content is crucial for maintaining visibility on your audience's feed. This is where Facebook's 'top contributors' come into play. These are the members who actively engage with your posts, promoting your brand and creating a buzzing atmosphere. Recognizing and rewarding these individuals not only fosters a strong sense of community but also ensures that your brand remains at the forefront of your audience's mind.

      Identifying Your Top Contributors

      The process of tracking these top contributors is straightforward, thanks to Facebook's insights feature. I guide you through the steps of identifying these key players by using the desktop version of Facebook for accuracy. It's important to note the 28-day lag in data reporting, which means staying current with your insights is essential. Moreover, for those who have recently launched new groups, bear in mind that generating meaningful statistics requires a baseline of activity and a certain number of group members.

      Recognizing Your Top Contributors

      I then explore the various ways of rewarding and recognizing your top contributors. Want two free graphics to get started? Click here. This can range from posting regular leaderboards to maintain excitement, to implementing different reward systems such as direct prizes, gift cards, loyalty points, or randomized drawings. It's about striking a balance between appreciating the most active member and acknowledging the top 10 participants. For instance, you could feature their businesses or websites as a token of gratitude.

      The podcast episode also shares a personal narrative of how a single top contributor transformed into a cornerstone of my business during a business season in my life, underscoring the profound impact that one individual can have. This story serves as a testament to the power of online engagement and its potential to open unexpected doors, including a job offer from a major company.

      So What

      The episode wraps up with a call to action, inviting listeners to join the conversation in the Facebook group "Turn Down the Hustle." It's an opportunity to continue the discussion on strategies for recognizing and rewarding community members. Remember, the strength of your t-shirt business lies not just in your products but also in the community that surrounds it. Tap into the power of your top contributors, and watch as your brand reaches new heights.

      Don't miss out on this valuable episode filled with actionable insights and real-life success stories. Listen, learn, and let's grow together in the ever-evolving world of online business. 

      Links mentioned in this episode


      *This podcast contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them – but rest assured, I only recommend products and services I truly believe in and think will bring value to you.

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      I just started a FB group and I am the only admin so far. I went to insights, participants, and it says no data to show. We have over 50 members. I did notice this message under top contributors: People who were most active on the community feed 28 days before the last update. The last update was on Dec 11, 2023. Today is Dec 14, 2023. I created the group on Dec 9, 2023.

      What is an update? I thought the statistics renewed every 28 days. FB help section is very vague (which I told them it was!) and doesn’t even mention the data renewing or updating! I do hope you can help!


      For what reason would a member of the group contributes not be calculated?
      I have two members that are top 10 but nothing shows up in their points.

      Debra Hatten

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