Build a Professional Email Signature Block

Build a professional email signature block for your business once and reuse it repeatedly. The benefit of an email signature block beyond the professional appearance is you can update it with your external links and essential info such as business hours.

Before we start, grab my template to start building. My exact signature block is in a Google Doc, where we will develop your signature block. In addition, I have shared my Canva templates as well. 



Set up your brand kit if you haven't already to have your branding colors and fonts at your fingertips. Read this blog if you need help getting started. 

Open up the Canva template you just received via email sign-up above. Then, apply your brand color to the applicable icons for your business—plan to oscillate colors. 

For the photo, add your favorite photo of yourself and remove the background. Fit the picture to the square and add a drop shadow. Tweak the hue to your liking.

Once you are done with all of your icons, download them as transparent files. 



Update your business info in my template. Insert your photo to replace mine. Then, insert the icons so your external links. Highlight the icon and insert the link as a hyperlink within the Google Doc.

Once have finalized your edits, highlight the entire block and "CTRL+C"



Compose a new email from inside your google email. Then, click the pen icon that says "insert signature." Then, "manage signatures."

Scroll down to the signature area and "create new." Paste your Google Doc creation into the blank box by hitting "CTRL+V"

Select your new signature block as the default below the text box.

Don't forget to save before navigating away.



Compose a new email. Ensure your signature block is auto-added to the email. Send an email to your personal account to test it out. Tweak anything you want to change in the Google Doc and update the settings.



Look at you girl! You just made your business that much more professional! Share your new email signature block in my Facebook community.

I can't wait to see what you made. 

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